Wednesday, May 22, 2013

2 ESSAYS (long awaited..But still) The Crossing

                           Literary techniques have always set foundation for great novels. It allows for the other to really explore their true creativity. Perhaps making a battle scene be serene, or make love scene seem completely bizarre by using a selection of techniques. In Cormac McCarthy's novel The Crossing, He explores his creativity, using several effective techniques such as:  Vivid Imagery, light and airy diction, and figures of speech including Metaphors, similies and allusions.

                          Within the first paragraph of the excerpt it is apparent that McCarthy gives the novel a nice shimmering amount of Imagery. For Example, "He reined the horse in a grassy swale and stood down and dropped the reins, his trousers were stiff with blood. He cradled the wolf in his arms and lowered her to the ground and unfolded the sheets, she was stiff and cold and her fur was bristly with the blood dried upon it." the imagery versus the reality is very distinct. The imagery gives off the feeling of a nice serene area where a man had just brought his game down to where he sleeps in reality, it must've just been a hunter who is about to gut his catch. The power of the imagery is so powerful it was able to change the real scene into what McCarthy wanted it to be.

                         The diction in the excerpt is not overbearing either. It gives off a certain slight and airy vibe which is beautiful which adds to the vivid imagery. using simplistic words with vivid imagery, instead of using a superfluous amount of complex words and confusing syntax to give the same meaning, using simple words and syntax is much more valuable and easier to understand for the reader.

                        The figures of speech does a lot to the literary techniques. It gives a so much deeper meaning  when metaphorical speech and similies are utilized. "What blood and bone are made of but can themselves" this gives a different view on life itself.

Kafka On the Shore Analysis

1) The novel has two distinctive plot lines, that involve Kafka Tamura, a young child around the age of fifteen who runs away at the time of his birthday. And Satoru Nakata who is an elderly, handicapped man who is running away looking for lost cats in his neighborhood. The two are actually connected spiritually but don't know it. Now Kafka's story is that he has left home escaping his emotionally distant father, and has taken homage in a Library where he falls in love with the head librarian and every night he falls asleep there he sees the head librarians 15 year old self, all while Nakata is for some reason bound to come towards the library for a spiritual purpose.
2)The theme(s) is to find oneself, and how love transcends borders, and the workings and interrelation of things.
3)The author's tone is sort of hard to put a finger on, it fluctuates, that maybe be the best way to answer this question, but it certainly is never fully happy nor is it sad, sort of mysterious.
4) (See) Kafka Literary Techniques

1) There is a part in Ch. 3 where Kafka is directly described as stone faced, and big and muscular for his age, and able to pass off as at least 18 or 19. Therefore indicating a much more mature youngster than he actually is. The second- Indirect Characterization, is in Chapter 9 where he's staying with His friend in the city and it explains his raging hormones which also is indicative of his age. The lasting approach was the indirect because it made me imagine more and think more about the character. Nakata however was almost always described always indirectly.
2) The Syntax and Diction DEFINITELY changes from character to character, or more specifically, Chapter to Chapter, when Kafka is the main focus the diction is much more sophisticated with using different and more complex word usage, on the contrary when Nakata is speaking, it's more in the third person and more simplistic indicating his mental handicap.
3) Kafka is definitely Dynamic and changes a full 180 from the beginning of the book, to the end, while Nakata is static, and definitely static at one point because-- He's dead.
4) I didn't really feel like I had really met a person but, just you know read a character in a book to be honest it wasn't all that exciting but a little interesting.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

POST #1:The Seventh Reading

Recipe For Happiness Khaborovsk Or Anyplace

One grand boulevard with trees
with one grand cafe in sun
with strong black coffee in very small cups.

One not necessarily very beautiful
man or woman who loves you.

One fine day.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Thoughts: After reading this poem seven times I really started to feel the words soak in. And how the title "Recipe For Happiness," relates to the poem. It simply states in six lines emphasizing its simplicity, that life is not characterized the very many complicated things one may own, the poem basically speaks of having simplicity, and people who love you. In this poem in particular it seems Ferlinghetti liked open space, simple things in moderation, and someone that loved him. Those 5 things is what made his life and he wouldn't have it any other way. However this poem makes me think of my own life, the excessive luxuries I have, that I probably could break away from and still lead a nice content life, if anything more relaxed and nice and simple. That's what this simple poem said to me after the 7th reading. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Kafka On the Shore

 Kafka Of the Shore (Literary Techniques)

1) Indirect Characterization: The Boy Named Crow in the first few pages is described not directly but through his verbal communication with Kafka. It shows that he has a deep refined persona and is good with words and has the ability to influence with only his words. But later on it is apparent that it is however some sort of Conscience to Kafka, or could be his alter ego because the name Kafka means Crow, or an imaginary friend. Thus making it magical realistic.

2) Magical Realism: Throughout the whole book magical Realism is identified. For example Ch. 10 Nakata has a complete dialogue with a cat. Basically Magical realism allows for the reader to interpret things with a suspension of disbelief and add more character to the story rather than including mundane detail. For example the following passage of Nakata having a conversation with the cat without magical realism, It would’ve just been Nakata talking with a cat to himself but with the use of magical realism the reader’s disbelief is suspended yielding to be more engaged with the story
“I don’t mind at all, the tallest of heads.”
“pardon me, But Nakata doesn’t understand what you’re saying Forgive me, but I’m not so Bright.”
“It’s a tuna, to the very end.
“Are you perhaps saying you’d like to eat a tuna?”
“No. The hands tied up, before.” And the fact that Kafka talks with Crow who isn’t physically there that allows  for a different way of the protagonist to communicate his thoughts rather than just talking to himself, Kafka is talking to another entity allowing for a more engaging and more thematic  point in the story.
3) Bildungsroman:  means a coming of age or a realization. In The books center theme is around spiritual discovery of oneself and finding one’s place and reason why and connection.  

4) Point of View: Throughout the story the views change between two really different plot lines, between Nakata an old man finding cats and Kafka who is running away both running for different reasons but the two. The point of view is what allows the reader to interpret and follow what’s happening in the novel. As For Kafka Of the Shore it is confusing to keep track but after some time it is apparent that it alternates from Nakata to Kafka on the odd to even and chapters.

5) Symbolism: Symbolism allows for the reader to see the deeper meanings to the objects that the author writes. In Kafka on the Shore there may be some major symbolism to Kafka’s name and The Boy Named Crow.  In Japanese Shinto (Spiritualism) Crows have deep spiritual meaning, they signify divine intervention, which may explain why crow appears to try and help or appear when Kafka needs strength and gives him an edge, maybe and angel rather than an alter ego. Cats also have some symbolism to them in Japanese culture as Nakata had suffered from a massive accident in his youth it gave him very weird abilities to talk with cats, which symbolizes good luck it’s a bit ironic that The Luckiest guy in the book talks with a lucky animal.
6) Personification: Personification gives objects a certain human characteristic, and is a characterized under Magical Realism, therefore the talking Cats that Nakata has throughout the book is a form of Personification.
7) Imagery: Imagery gives the reader something that regular writing with mundane detail cannot accomplish. For example                 “Sometimes Fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing                                                                                  directions. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. You turn                                                    again but the storm adjusts. over and over you play this out, like some                                                                      ominous dance with death just before dawn. Why?”
Instead of saying Your Problems Murakami decides to compare your problems to that of a sandstorm which yields more depth than just straight up saying your problems.
8) Hyperbole: Hyperboles are very apparent within Magical Realistic Books thereforeNakata and Kafka’s ventures into the spiritual realm could be just ordinary occurrences seen through the eyes of an exhausted child, and a deranged man.
9) Foreshadowing: When and author gives subtle clues that have more influence to the story it is Foreshadowing. For example in Ch. 4 It has no dialogue between Nakata or anyone else. but is a whole Dialogue of an interview held with military person who had witnessed several kids being unconscious during an attack in WWII which caused Nakata to fall unconscious for weeks and in the end hindering his mental faculties, which literally foreshadows his ability to talk with cats
10 Diction: When Diction is used correctly it can be used to determine a character’s mental capabilities and author’s purpose. For example, each of the chapters in the novel, switch off from Kafka to Nakata, and in each of the chapters the diction and syntax is very much changed from each one. Nakata’s is more slow and childlike, while Kafka’s is more coherent and lucid.

Friday, January 25, 2013

smart goal

S: im going to be more attentive in classes including this one M:score at least a 3-5 of the exam and end last semester on a high note A:by watching grades hence 4.0GPA R: Be more attentive T: 6 Monthso0

Friday, January 18, 2013

Poetry Analyses:

1) Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night: -Purpose:It seems That Thomas is writing to explain to the reader that Death is inevitable and to go on fighting it until the end of life to better one's self. -Paraphrase: Thomas shows through the poem how different "men" with different views on life experience their impending death. Such as the 'Grave men' and the 'Good men' there is a definite distinction between the two states of thinking. -Structure:It is very noticeable how Thomas alternates the use of night and light at the end of each stanza, so it has very structured rhyming schemes which could be seen as ABC ABC ABC and so forth. -Shift: There isn't a noticeable shift in my opinion. The poem starts out dark and and end pretty dark, so it has some consistency. -Speaker: There isn't one? -Spelling/Grammar/Diction: Thomas uses very simple diction and grammar is normal. -Tone: It has sort of a motivational tone for me oddly enough, the way I analyzed it, the poem seems to indicate that Thomas was writing with semi optimistic feelings, to go on fighting until the end? Life is a struggle yes. And to go on fighting gives much motivation to make oneself better. -Theme: To go on fighting through adversity in life, because one day it will end. Title: "Do Not Go Gentle into The Night" 2)We Real Cool -Purpose: From what I could conjure from my own thoughts, and research (, the poem is mainly about the younger generation, judging by the grammar "We Real Cool" (makes no sense) It could also describe our quickly diminishing morals too. -Paraphrase: It is definitely a short short poem. So paraphrasing itself would probably have more lines than the poem however, the poem starts with: "we Real Cool. We left school" and goes on to talk about sin and gin and then dying eventually. -Structure: Has the most atrocious structure I've ever come across. It starts out with bad grammar, and everything in the poem seems to be irrelevant. -Shift: The shift comes from after "we thin sin" and "We Jazz June" it suddenly goes over to death. -Spelling/Grammar/Diction: The spelling is fine, Grammar however is atrocious, and the diction is minimal and easy to understand. -Tone: The tone of the poem is basically apathetic and lost and just wasteful. -Theme: I think that the poem is themed after how ridiculous and wasteful some people can get when they do not find their purpose in life. The length of the poem basically indicated that. Being so short and pointless, it mirrors how the author may think of people who act in sucha ways. Title: "We Real Cool"

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Literature Analysis- The Kite Runner General Questions: 1)The Kite Runner is a book about the relationship between two friends Hassan and Amir in Afghanistan. The Two children were great friends until Hassan was raped where everything changed. That is where Hassan's and Amir's friendship fell apart. Years go by and they are in separate places. Amir in San Francisco, CA, and Hassan is in Afghanistan. One day Amir receives a call from one of his uncles and discovers that Hassan is dead and has a son who is kidnapped. Therefore Amir feels that saving Hassan's son is the only way for redemption. The Main theme behind the Kite Runner basically is redemption, that's what it all falls under, Amir all throughout the book feels he needs to redeem himself for the bad deeds that he had done back when he was a child, and his redemption proposes itself through saving Hassan's child. The t one is very constant in the book. Khaled Housseini starts of the book with a tone thatseems very reflective and reminiscient. some literary elements that were noticeable were appropriate usage tone, the narration style was in 1st person for mostly half of the book was all flashbacks until Amir recevies the call from his good friend. Characterization: A very clear example of Amir's character is given indirectly when Amir had taken no action when Hassan was clearly getting raped and beaten. Hassan's character is always indirectly shown as strong, brave, even though he's always been somewhat prejudged because of his ethnicity, he always seems to carry on. He is also very loyal to Amir witch adds even more to Amir's guilt as time passes by. Since the narration is in the first person it added more to the sense that this book was more as if I was interacting with Amir than just reading him off a page.
Literature Analysis- Of Mice and Men GENERAL QUESTIONS: Of Mice and Men takes place around the 1930's. The story is about two migrant workers; Lennie who is mentally challenged yet large and strong, and George who takes care of Lennie and keeps him out of trouble. The two are travelling looking for work but George has a plan in his head of working for a prolonged period of time and after some time, settling down with Lennie and himself so they don't have to always be moving from place to place. Eventually they find work and meet several people where they are now working, such as Ca ndy, Crooks, Curly, and slim. After some time working at the new location, Lennie and George decide to let Candy in on their little secret of settling around where they won't have to work anymore. But all those dreams come crashing down when Lennie performs an act of violence against Curly's wife. Then Lennie is to be put down by George. The main theme(s) in the book is hope, and human struggle. Hope is apparent in all aspects of the book. The hope of being able to fortify and thrive rather than struggle to make ends meet, the hope of saving Candy's dog, which was eventually put down, (which in a way foreshadows Lennie's death) yet even though there are many things that do not allow them to succeed they still had a sliver of hope left in them, right up until the point where Lennie is killed. The diction, is very simple and easy to understand, the narration is in third person which in a way it works cause it makes it somewhat of a classic story. CHARACTERIZATION: There is indirect characterization that occurs whenever Lennie speaks. He speaks slowly and what he talks about is very childish and lacks much thought, and is very broken. It shows that he is somewhat slow and unable to communicate because of his retardation. Then there is George who's much more intelligent than Lennie, and when he talks he is a bit heated, so he's quick to anger, exemplified from the beginning pages where he blows off on Lennie for killing another mouse. The diction is always constant when Lennie is talking. Most likely to keep the fact that he is slow constant. Yet the Diction for the rest of the characters were constant. The Protagonists did not change whatsoever they started out the same and ended the same. and the narration made it feel like I was just watching events never really fully submerged into them.

Monday, October 29, 2012


Facebook. Nearly everyone has it. As of right now while typing this blog post my facebook is concurrently open and constantly refreshing statuses, messages, and groups that I'm apart of. Originally based as a social network this website has undergone so much from the young and old minds that control it. We have revolutionized its usage by making it into more than just a social setting but a place where we can discuss thoughts freely, talk freely, and a chance to leave our own positive influence to this world some way or another. For example, just for this class, I'm apart of 3 different facebook groups that all notify me when a student has per say decides to comment on the group discussing a topic or whatever within the group talking about hamlet, this notification alerts me right after she/he had posted. This maximizes convenience and allows for me to get to that information right when I need it. However the pitfall of facebook is definitely for all the amount of use this invention has yielded, it has yielded just as much nonsense causing for a terrible amount of "fluff" like this have become a particular fad and all the more irritating. To me Facebook somewhat mimics how the human mind works at a superficial level- actively refreshing itself, by absorbing all the things that are changing, some of the things that are shared are interesting, and the rest fluff. My original thoughts of facebook have evolved so much since I had joined it. Originally when I was maybe 12 or 13 I joined it mainly because- hey everyone has one I don't want to be out of the loop maybe I can gain popularity by doing so as well. So it became more of a device to help my social standings. As I got older and evolved, so did my views of facebook, no longer was it just a device to socialize in but it became a vital tool. I soon realized that the options were endless. The one thing that had really made me believe that Facebook could be more than just a social media scheme was my father's Photography Business. I watched his business go from handing out cards at random areas, to clients coming to us because they saw the facebook page that exhibited our pictures. But now on a major scale the Revolution in Egypt some 2 years ago was apparently assembled in facebook. it's one thing for facebook to help with a business and marketing scheme, but to help fuel an underground revolution that's incredible. You see facebook does more than just connect it gives us this feeling that we are able to produce a good picture of us for society thus leaving a good and bright Internet Footprint.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Vocab Definitions For Vocab List #6:

Definitions: Obsequious- Obedient or attentive to an almost servile degree Bete Noire- One who is detested and avoided Bode- To be an Omen of Dank- Soggy, or moist Ecumenical- Universal Fervid- Overly-enthusiastic, burning hot, or glowing. Fetid- Pungent Gargantuan- Giant HeyDay- Prime-time Incubus-something that burdens someone Infrastructure- The underlying framework for something. Inveigle- Persuasion by deception Kudos- acclaim for exceptional achievement Lagniappe- Small Gift. Prolix- Use of excessive words. Protege- one under the protection of another. Prototype- First or preliminary model Sycophant- Self Flattering or obsequious. Tautology- Using different words to explain the same thing Truckle- Small barrel shaped cheese --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sentences: Ronny His obsequiousness was undeniable, every time the teacher asked a question no matter what it was Ronny was first to shoot up his hand. Due to His obsequiousness,and abrasive nature, Ronny was considered a Bete Noire to the general populous of the school, and was avoided like the plague except for his best and only friend Tyler who was a ladie's man by any standard. Unfortunately, even most of his family considered him a bode, and did not appreciate his presence. His high schools years were full of dank sadness, as his parents didn't really care for him, but focused their attention on their daughter who was already graduating out of college. He thought of his problem as,ecumenical, as if all went through it. Underneath his abrasive and rude nature, lay a sweet human being with a fervid willingness to please others, however feeling this was a sign of weakness, he did not show it.Living on his own in Minsesota, having not spoken to his parents since he left his home, lost all contact with Tyler his only friend. He was alone and a bit bitter, until one day he sees a beautiful woman taking out a fetid bag of trash, and felt something he'd never felt before. But only observed.After weeks of observing this woman,and saying hi every now and then. Ronny learned that her name was Renee, and she'd always take a gargantuan load of trash out on Wednesdays.So after another week, Ronny felt as if he was having a Heyday,that Wednesday and decided while Renee was taking out the trash he would muster up all his confidence and go help her and possibly try and spark up a conversation.As he was going the stairs to go seek out his prospective friend, there is an incubus to his plan. Another male has already beaten him to the task. His whole Infrastructure for talking to her is now demolished and he swiftly leaves upstairs bawling, leaving Renee and the other male a bit confused and laughing.Broken, He searches for solace and searches for his old buddy Tyler. Eventually finding contacts information, Ronny being Inveigle convinces Tyler to come all the way from California to come visit Ronny.As Tyler arrives in Minesota and comes to Ronny's new apartment, he gives Kudos for Ronny's living conditions. While Tyler is informed about Ronny's girl situation, Tyler knows exactly what to do. He tells Ronny to perform a magic trick on the unsuspecting lady- Renee and materialize a lagniappe and give it to her. Ronny agrees.With a Prolix of words, Ronny explains every step to Tyler of what he is supposed to do and then now is ready.Ronny, now Tyler's Protege in the art of picking up girls is now put to the test. Tyler takes him to a party to where he performs the trick on unsuspecting an unsuspecting crowd.No longer an obsequious sycophant Ronny now was a social butterfly and the life of the party. Performing his magic tricks and wooing the crowd.Without being tautologous, he succeeded and brought a new spark to his life.Then right after performing at the party, he decided to take it to the real deal and perform it on Renee. He did. It worked and they started dating and then eventually got married and lived happily with their two and a half kids. Now wasn't that a truckle?

Monday, September 3, 2012

ROOTS By Alex Haley So I chose the book for my 1st of many Literature analyses this year for several reasons. Firstly, I've been wanting to read this book every since I'd found it lying around after my sister left it after she moved out to go to college, and secondly, of course I'd seen the little mini series in 8th grade which also kindled my interest in the book. Finding out that there was a book version of the mini series interested me, since the series was took approximately 2 weeks to finish, and if they cut out a whole bunch of the story to fit into like twelve episodes then the book must have and extraordinary amount of story left, and it's always good to read a book and input your own ideas instead of seeing someone else's product such as a movie/show. Lastly, the story roots, is about a family history- the tagline itself says "The Saga of an American Family," you see even as a kid I'd always been interested in genealogy, even though trying to trace back my family tree is like trying to trace back a family forest, so I've never really gotten around to it. Therefore I'd like to read a fictional story about someone else's. I am excited to start this book I will indeed start right after posting this. -Dylan But

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beowulf Reading Comprehension Questions

[Prologue: The Rise of the Danish Nation] (lines 1-85, pp. 33-34)

Answer: The way Shield became the ruler of the Danes was unusual because Shield rose to power from being apart of lower class to being a great ruler of the Danes. The relation between Hrothgar and Shield is that Hrothgar is the son of Shield's son.


[Heorot is Attacked] (lines 86-188, pp. 34-36)

1. Basically "Heorot" was a mead hall which was mostly that was made in trubute for Hrothgar's kingdom. "Grendal" the demon/ fiend had attacked it after a time of great prosperity and peace of twelve years. Despite all of the Dane's efforts of trying to take down Grendal, all fails which sets the stage for Beowulf's arrival. 

[The Hero Comes to Heorot] (lines 189-490, pp. 36-42)
1. Upon hearing of Grendal's attacks from sailors who have come and gone into the land of the Geats, Beowulf rallies up fourteen men and sets sail to Hrothgar's kingdom to see what the whole deal was behind Grendal's attacks

2 The Geats that Beowulf brings meet the Watchman whose sole purpose was to determine whether the Geats were a threat or not, but then Beowulf quickly tells the watchman their purpose of landing in that port and the watchman allows the men to enter into the city.

3. Wulfgar asks for what Beowulf and his army has come for  when Beowulf asks to meet with Hrothgar, Wulfgar impressed by the army's weaponry and utility, he calls upon Hrothgar. Beowulf's reputation had obviously been noted when Hrothgar tells that he knows of Beowulf's experiences. It is not surprising as for Hrothgar is the legendary king of the Danes so why wouldn't he be aware of a warrior of such high caliber.

[Feast at Heorot] (lines 491-661, pp. 42-46)

1. Apparently, Beowulf was involved in a swimming match, and was beaten by a fish, and Unferth was constantly teasing Beowulf about losing, then Unferth claims that he'd be able to beat Beowulf in the same match, but Beowulf retorts and bluntly tells Unferth that he wouldn't ever be able to handle such a challenge with so many dangerous creatures, and thus making him inept to fight Grendel. 

2.  The Queen invites Beowulf and his men to drink, whilst thanking the gods for directing Beowulf towards them.
[The Fight with Grendel] (lines 662-835, pp. 46-49)

1. Instead of practicing his techniques with his men, or crying or any other type of preparation, he puts himself into a sort of trance-like state, waiting and mentally preparing himself for the situation he is thrusting himself into.

2. Fueled by the lust for eating a Geat, Grendel enters and then is in contact with the great Geat Beowulf and is taken aback when a limb is torn off by Beowulf.

[Celebration at Heorot] (lines 836-1250, pp. 49-60)

1. They're both alike because they both had been true great warrior, yet unlike each other because Sigemeund was unable to take care of his homeland while Beowulf


Thursday, August 16, 2012


Long overdue for completing this blog but, I finally did it. And incredibly excited for this year! And my phone would not upload Dr.Preston's speech so thank you Youtube..